In Tumaco you find beautiful beaches and friendly people and quality that will make you feel at home.
Here you will find the map of the municipality of Tumaco and some aerial photographs of it.
In Tumaco we can find lots of fun and sightseeing, you can go fishing by the bridge of the nose and you can enjoy a unique landscape, visit the beaches of the nose or short and enjoy a pleasant day to reflect or sunbathe in the company of your loved ones on the beach you can find several attractions like the caya where you come around to the rock of the hill one of the symbols of Tumaco or gusanito boat, you can also find volleyball court, you can swim and feel the sand on your feet warm and warm that relaxes you also can find a super varied cuisine with many seafood prepared to your liking.
Tumaco with respect to the city of Cali, the two presents a very pleasant climate although Tumaco is smaller and does not have department stores, shopping centers or theaters,but you will find some beaches Tumaco and unique landscape, its people are very friendly and helpful.
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